Bias -Noun - prejudice in favor of or against one thing, person, or group compared with another, usually in a way considered to be unfair.
Explicit Bias-Bias we have that we choose not to correct
Implicit Bias- Bias we do not know we have
In-Group Bias- Bias we feed by only trusting the opinions and feedback of people who are like us or in our group
Confirmation Bias- Bias we feed by disregarding all evidence to the contrary
Hindsight Bias- Bias that exists because we mistakenly believe the choices of the past were easier, because we have access to more information are less stressed and have more time.
Bias by Proxy- Bias we embody because of intentionally misleading, biased reports
Biased: Uncovering the Hidden Prejudice That Shapes What We See, Think, and Do
Blindspot: Hidden Biases of Good People
The Book of Forgiving: The Fourfold Path for Healing Ourselves and Our World
Racial Reconciliation and Justice
Citizen: An American Lyric
Theology From the Womb of Asia
White Fragility: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism
Transformative Lutheran Theologies: Feminist, Womanist, and Mujerista Perspectives
Theology from the Womb of Asia
ELCA Social Statement on Race, Ethnicity and Culture (English and Spanish)
ELCA Social Message on Immigration (English and Spanish)
LGBTQ Issues
Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians
Queerly Lutheran
Queer Commentary and the Hebrew Bible
ELCA Social Statement on Human Sexuailty (English and Spanish)
ELCA Social Message on Gender-Based Violence (English and Spanish)
ELCA Social Message on Sexuality (English and Spanish)
Women's Issues
Preaching from Home: The Stories of Seven Lutheran Women Hymn Writers
ELCA Social Statement on Abortion (English and Spanish)
ELCA Social Message on Gender-Based Violence (English and Spanish)
Hunger and Poverty
Luther and the Hungry Poor: Gathered Fragments
ELCA Social Statement on Economic Life (English and Spanish)
ELCA Social Message on Homelessness (English and Spanish)
Health and Differing Abilities
ELCA Social Message on People Living with Disabilities (English and Spanish)
ELCA Social Message on Mental Illness (English and Spanish)
ELCA Social Message on AIDS (English and Spanish)
ELCA Social Message on End of Life Decisions (English and Spanish)
ELCA Social Message on Suicide Prevention (English and Spanish)
Interfaith Resources
The INTRAfaith Conversation: How Do Christians Talk Among Ourselves About INTERfaith Matters
The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World
Books for Youth and Young Adults
Holy Troublemakers & Unconventional Saints
Children's Books
The Radical Jesus Story
Mr. Grumpy Christian
Transgender Children of God
Is it a Boy, Girl or Both?
Never Again
Outside Resources
Bias Education
Implicit Bias: What We Don’t Think We Think - Free online course / Workbook / Resource for preachers and teachers
Critical Practices for Anti-Bias Education
Racial Reconciliation and Justice
Becoming a Beloved Community: Vision, Plan and Resources (English, Spanish and Kreyòl)
LGBTQ Education
Gender Identity and Our Faith Communities
Reconciling Works Resources